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The Sun

5G – the fifth generation of mobile networks is coming - Are you ready?

What impact will this have on your existing network?

5G technology is scheduled to be released in 2018, or early 2019, but in reality, we are still two, maybe three years away from a large scale rollout as Telecom providers run trials and prepare their networks to cope with the huge increase in demand for communication. The growing need for higher speeds and instant, reliable services are all leading to pressure on providers to improve their networks and services. As data consumption increases, the various network segments, and the interfaces between them need to increase in capacity to serve this traffic.

Fundamentally, the right network foundation will need to be laid in order to deploy 5G, but there are technologies available which are ideal for providing both the fibre access and data rates required for 5G fronthaul and backhaul.

How can ProLabs support your 5G network needs?

EON – NSV – OTDR: Coming Soon

Passive Optical Network (PON)

100G Connectivity

Single Fibre

Double the bandwidth on existing fibres at relatively low cost.

Double circuit capacity over existing CWDM infrastructure, reducing time and expense.

Click the button below to read our latest blog on this topic by Raymond Hagen - America's Product Manager