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Close Up Switch Testing 2

Testbeds are Key Indicators of Quality Commitment

Simply stated, a testbed is an environment that is created for testing equipment. Testbeds accurately simulate the intended environment to ensure a device meets quality standards. A proper testbed for a third-party OEM compatible optics supplier requires significant capital resources, illustrating a strong commitment to quality assurance.

All networking components are expected to work seamlessly and according to industry specifications. Through testbed investment, third-party compatible optics suppliers demonstrate their commitment to quality and adherence to industry specifications, ensuring expectations are met. To measure up, a third-party supplier should invest in:

Lab Facility Testing -Transceiver Tested in Switch Environment

These investments lay the foundation and provide the confidence in purchasing quality compatibles. If you’re wondering how your supplier measures up, here are some questions to ask:

Third-party compatible suppliers should be thorough and transparent when providing their answers. To illustrate, if you were to ask ProLabs these questions, these would be the answers you’d receive:

ProLabs has over 350 switches in their lab facility. Each device is coded and tested in the intended application and within the intended switch environment. ProLabs Data Traveler System provides thorough documentation for every device. ProLabs reliability rating is 99.98% and the lab facility is open to visitors upon appointment.

To view a thorough testbed offering from ProLabs, visit https://www.prolabs.com/knowledge-hub/prolabs-testbedfor a real-time list of switch equipment inventory.